Page:Sermons preached in the African Protestant Episcopal Church of St. Thomas', Philadelphia.djvu/35

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ser. ii.]
peace in christ.

indeed, among your many frivolous thoughts there is room left for consideration, consider well the solemn and admonitory words, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof, are the ways of death."[1] "Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth, and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes; bid know thou, that for all these things, God will bring thee into judgment."[2] Be not deceived by external appearances. The sprightly air, the elastic step, the high spirits that mark the men of worldly pleasure, are not to be regarded as infallible signs of inward peace. These outward marks, may be nothing more than a screen to hide from human view, an inward anguish of spirit, unknown to all but that Omniscient Being, from whom no secrets are hid. The pleasure enjoyed in gratifying the inordinate desires of the depraved heart,

  1. Prov. xiv., 12.
  2. Ecc. xi., 9.