Page:Sermons preached in the African Protestant Episcopal Church of St. Thomas', Philadelphia.djvu/38

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peace in christ.
[ser. ii

out of all danger of loss. If he hear of a fire, or of a vessel losing her cargo, or of the sudden fall in the price of stock, or of the dishonesty of individuals he has credited; or if he hear of the failure of some monied institution in which he is interested, he is filled with the most painful anxieties of mind, from which his present possessions cannot possibly relieve him.

3. Is true peace to be found in the honors of the world—in fame? What is fame? We may have seen its nature illustrated in the history of the great political men of the present day. For a little while we see them puffed by the wind of a multitude; but how soon do we behold them by the same multitude as severely pelted. The conduct of the people toward our blessed Lord, forcibly illustrates the emptiness of fame, and clearly shows how little to be depended on is the applause of men. Those who at one time cried:—"Hosanna, blessed