Page:Sermons preached in the African Protestant Episcopal Church of St. Thomas', Philadelphia.djvu/72

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spiritual prosperity of gaius.
[ser. iii.

crown persevering diligence with success, Whoever humbly yields to the life-giving and fructifying influences of that Holy Spirit which is to abide with the church forever, is sure to thrive and prosper, "like a tree planted by the water side." Upon the soul the Creator has stamped his seal of immortality—it is destined to run parallel with his own uncreated existence. When our globe shall be dissolved, and all that are therein shall be burned up, the soul, more refined and dignified, shall survive the dissolution of matter, and shall either flourish in immortal youth and beauty on the healthful plains of Paradise, or endure an indescribable burden of anguish in the doleful regions of endless woe. How invaluable then is the soul, and how solemnly, pressing are its claims upon our most serious regard. Consider what the great Eternal has done to promote its everlasting health and vigor. He himself came down from heaven, veiled his unutterable glories in