Page:Seven Years in South Africa v2.djvu/558

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New Year’s Day, i. 354.
Night watch, ii. 26, 65, 86.
Notuany River, i. 408; ii. 24, 39, 431.

Oates, Frank ii. 396.
Orange Free State, i. 59.
Orange River, i. 39.
Orbeki gazelles, ii. 105, 183.
Ostriches, ii. 49, 79, 81, 375, 453.
Otters, i. 177; ii. 120.

Pallah Antelopes, i. 409; ii. 200.
Panda ma Tenka, ii. 99, 180, 374.
Parrots, i. 286.
Philippolis, i. 39; ii. 452.
Plat Berg, i. 205; ii. 3.
Pniel, i. 94.
Port Elizabeth, i. 12; ii. 464.
Potchefstroom, i. 164, 422.
Puff-adder (Vipera arietans) i. 406; ii. 40, 94.
Puku antelopes, ii. 128.

Quagga Flats, i. 251, 254; ii. 8, 427.
Quaggas, ii. 71.

Races of South Africa, i. 213.
Rain doctors, i. 330; their ceremonies, i. 337.
Rapids, ii. 272.
Reed-rats, i. 187.
Rhamakoban River, ii. 398.
Rhyzœna, i. 76, 143; ii. 67.
Rietbocks, i. 177.
Riet River, i. 46; hotel on, i. 49; ii. 452.
Rock-rabbits, i. 305.
Rohlf’s Pass, i. 412.
Ruins, ii. 397, 406.

Salt, i. 198.
Saltpans, i. 76, 197, 276, 403; ii. 53, 72.
Sandy pool plateau, ii. 78.
Schneemann’s Pan, ii. 106, 372.
Schweinfurth’s Pass, i. 412; ii. 25.
Scopus umbretta, i. 112.
Sechele, king of Bakuenas; history, i. 314; visit to, i. 319; policy, i. 382, ii. 30; war with Bakhatlas, ii. 422.
Sekeletu, ii. 143.
Sekhomo, late king of Bamangwatos, i. 335, 368, 376, 389; ii. 42.
Sepopo, king of Marutse-Mabundas; change of residence, ii. 134; appearance, ii. 137; supper with, ii. 141; dominions, ii. 147; pilfering propensities, ii. 149; interviews with, ii. 150, 174; mode of chastisement, ii. 157, 245; revenue, ii. 160; residence, ii. 165; laboratory, ii. 167; band, ii. 137, 168; wives, ii. 221, 231, 268; cruelty, ii. 225, 329; officials, ii. 238; council, ii. 240; magic, ii. 241; unpopularity, ii. 284, 370; meals, ii. 287; illness, ii. 291; medicine-hut, ii. 328.
Sesheke, ii. 133, 140, 154, 282.
Sesuto language, ii. 147, 216.
Shaneng River, ii. 56.
Shasha Rivers, ii. 397.
Sheat-fish, ii. 30, 231.
Shoshon River, i. 364, 367.
Shoshong, i. 367; ii. 42.
Sirorume River, i. 405.
Skerms, ii. 190.
Skins, i. 152; ii. 342.
Snakes, i. 20, 79, 113, 234, 356, 406; ii. 94, 440.
Soa Saltpan, ii. 57.
Springbockfontein, i. 130.
Springbocks, i. 31, 254; ii. 11.
Spitzkopf, i. 126.
Steinbocks, i. 99; ii. 67.
Storks, ii. 70.
Storm, i. 272; ii. 367.
Sugar-cane, i. 127.
Swallows, i. 164.

Table Mountain, i. 2.
Tamafopa Springs, ii. 86.
Tamasanka, ii. 380.
Tamasetze, ii. 93, 376.
Tati River, ii. 399.
Taung, i. 120, 235.
Tortoises, i. 105.
Transvaal, ii. 419, 426.
Tsetse fly, ii. 105, 183, 374.
Tsitane Saltpan, ii. 53.