Page:Seventy-Five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes, and Sweetmeats.djvu/103

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layer of chicken, and then some more batter; and so on till the dish is full, having a cover of batter at the top. Bake it till it is brown. Then break an egg into the gravy which you have set away, give it a boil, and send it to table in a sauce-boat to eat with the pudding.


A large turkey.
Three sixpenny leaves of stale bread.
One pound of fresh butter.
Four eggs.
One bunch of pot-herbs, parsley, thyme, and little onions.
Two bunches of sweet marjoram.
Two bunches of sweet basil.
Two nutmegs,
Half an ounce of cloves,
A quarter of an ounce of mace. pounded fine.
A quarter of an ounce of mace.
A table-spoonful of salt.
A table-spoonful of pepper

Skewers, tape, neeble, and coarse thread will be wanted.

Grate the bread, and put the crusts in water to soften. Then break them up small into the pan of crumbled bread. Cut up a pound of butter in the pan of bread. Rub the herbs to powder and have two table-spoonfuls of sweet-majoram and two of sweet basil, or more of each, if the turkey is very large. Chop the pot-herbs, and pound the spice. Then add the salt and pepper, and mix all the ingredients well together. Beat slightly four eggs, and mix them with the seasoning and bread crumbs.

After the turkey is drawn, take a sharp knife and beginning at the wings, carefully separate the flesh from the bone, scraping it down as you go; and avoid tearing or breaking the skin. Next, loosen the flesh from the breast and back, and then from the thighs. It requires great care and patience to do it nicely. When all the flesh is thus loosened,