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scientifically .too obscure, he has made the salient lessons impressive and so that "he who runs may read." I have for some time looked for such a work that could be placed in the hands of younger persons from whom true knowledge of such subjects is usually kept, but who afterwards learn all in its worst aspect. Such a work is Dr. Walling's as ought to be read by all persons, whatsoever their state. I am glad I possess the book and shall take pleasure in recommending it.

The Hon. John M. Mickey, Governor of Nebraska, says:

I have read your book "Sexology" with much interest. In my judgment it is a very practical work and, placed in the hands of the proper parties, will accomplish much good.

Rev. Samuel Plantz, Ph.D., D.D., President of Lawrence Universityy Appleton, Wis., says:

I have examined the book entitled "Sexology" and it seems to be written in a manner which ought to make its circulation helpful to young people.

Rev. J. S. Flipper, D.D.y LL.D.y President of Morris Brown College, Atlanta, Ga., says:

I have given the work on "Sexology" a careful study and consideration and I am convinced that as a text-book it is an ideal one on the subject.

Fear of knowing too much as to sexual association has wrought havoc with the youth of both sexes, and the time is ripe for a better knowledge of sexual wrongs in order to preserve manhood and womanhood and save the youth from self-destruction.