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In this brief analysis we have endeavored to prove that the essential psychological differences in the sexes exactly correspond with anatomical and physiological facts, and are, consequently, innate and ineradicable. If the result is but little palatable to the "strong-minded," who are seek- ing to uproot the very foundations of the social order, they must blame, not us, but Nature. We are in this but the humble exponent of the established facts of science — facts which enter into the immutable laws of God. But we entertain no apprehension that the really feminine women of our country will see in our effort the least disparagement of their sex, either in fact or intention. The inference to be drawn from the foregoing study is precisely the same as that resulting from our historical examination, namely, that the sexes are equal — equal, but different. The quali- ties of the one are necessary to supplement, nay, to com- plete those of the other. "WTiich of these dissimilar beings has the advantage? Neither, and for the simple reason that the advantages are equally balanced. In whatever light we regard them, we find the law of compensation. The Creator has divided His gifts between the sexes with infinite wisdom, for He has decreed that they shall be "two in one," and that the perfection of either shall be obtained only by their fusion. The gifts which are in rela- tion with material domination have been accorded to man; those which relate to the domination of love have been accorded to woman, because she is the intelligent compan- ion of an intelligent being. Each admires and seeks that in which he is deficient, and which is necessary to perfec- tion. Neither has a purely isolated and individual exist- ence; force must unite itself with weakness, weakness must lean upon force. The intellect and the heart have the largest share in the normal union of the sexes.