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while they cohabited together, each had children when separated, and married to another person.

Well-confirmed causes of sterility in woman are, also, prolapsus of the womb; obliquities that throw the mouth of the womb against the bladder or the rectum; ulcerations and inflammations of the neck of the womb; acrid purulent leucorrhœa; and tumors. These latter causes can be removed by proper treatment, for which only a physician of high respectability and professional eminence should be employed.

It may be remarked, generally, that women who have not borne children for many years need not despair, because there are many cases of wives who have conceived even after twenty years of perfect sterility.

Rest, and change of climate, are often productive of happy results, when there seems to be no apparent reason for sterility.

Dr. Duncan states, that the age when a woman is given in marriage affects the probability of offspring, as, indeed, we have seen in our glance at the statistics of procreation. Very early and late marriages show a great proportion of sterility.

If people would not transgress natural laws, they would have less occasion of blaming Providence for their own neglect.