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cylinder or a tumbler; cover it with paper, and let it rest in a safe place. After two days, a dense pellicle of fat-like matter will be found on its surface, which will increase for two or three days longer, and then evolve a powerful odor of putrefying cheese.

For the sake of brevity, I will give here the recapitula- tion of the rational signs of pregnancy.

First and Second Months. Suppression of the menses (numerous exceptions). Nausea, vomiting. Slight flatness of the lower part of the abdomen. Depression of the umbilical ring. Swelling of the breasts, accompanied with sensations of pricking and tenderness.

Third and Fourth Months. Suppression of the menses continued (a few exceptions). Frequently continuance of the nausea, and sometimes vomiting. Less depression of the umbilical ring. Augmented swelling of the breasts, prominence of the nipples, and slight discoloration in the areolae. Kyestein in the urine.

Fifth and Sixth Months. Sensation of quickening, motion in the abdomen. Suppression of the menses continued (some rare excep- tions). Vomiting and nausea disappear (few exceptions). Considerable development of the whole sub-umbilical region. A convex, fluctuating, rounded abdominal protuberance, salient particularly in the middle line, and sometimes ex- hibiting the fetal inequalities. The umbilical depression is almost completely effaced.