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choosing Mary as the mother of his only-begotten Son, He did not surround her with impending dangers and with fear of death. Her heart beat with joy that she was to beget a child. Her prayers were tha^sgivings for the great privilege. You are, as she was, a creature of your God. Away, then, with your gloomy thoughts! Kejoice that you are one of the elect! In a short time, a human being — flesh of your flesh, a creature of your God — will lie on your lap to ask from your lips the smile of a happy mother.

To you, husbands, I say, Eeflect upon the manifold in- conveniences and annoyances your wife must labor under while pregnant. The love which you gave her before the altar of God — double it now. Think of the suffering you are spared, which she must undergo to give you the delight of paternity. In doubling your attentions, in anticipating her desires, in calming her fears, in soothing her irrita- tions, you do only your duty, though it should also be your highest pleasure. Do it cheerfully; let your devotion spring from a manly heart, — from the heart of a true husband. What was a molehill to your wife before must be a mountain now. Smooth her rugged path; shade her from the burning flame of mental agitation; encourage her, inspire her with hope; and when the time comes that she lies prostrate, her face beaming with happiness at the sounds of her first-born, thank God that you have been kind to her.

The hygiene in these cases is purely a moral one, and must be conducted by a careful and loving husband and affectionate relatives or friends. When forebodings and gloom pervade the mind of her who is to become a mother, reasoning may be in vain. In this case, her condition should not be totally ignored lest offense be given; but