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She was sent to her aunt in the country, in order the better to watch her in this intentional isolation. This aunt, taking advantage of the ascendency which she had obtained over the girl's mind, subjected her to a secret interrogation. She was moved, embarrassed, discountenanced, but confessed nothing. Her embarrassment had already betrayed her, and from that moment, in the estimation of the aunt, her fault was assured. Soon the doctor arrived, who directed against the poor child a last and vigorous attack. 'Mademoiselle,' said he, with a tone of authority, certainty, and conviction, 'the solemn moment has arrived to tell us here the truth, and nothing but the truth. Your aunt and I now understand the whole matter. It only remains to inform us who taught you this detestable habit, which has totally ruined your health, and how long since this fatal secret was revealed to you, for it certainly did not originate with yourself.' At this severe and unexpected language the young girl was much affected. Being urged, she hesitated, looked at her aunt, and avowed all. It was her old governess who had taught her masturbation. The aid of medicine proved powerless to restore the health which she had lost."

After this, trust women, trust nurses, trust governesses, believe mothers! Nolite confidere in mulieribus. The symptoms which enable you to recognize or suspect this crime are the following: A general condition of languor, weakness, and loss of flesh; the absence of freshness and beauty, of color from the complexion, of the vermilion from the lips, and whiteness from the teeth, which are replaced by a pale, lean, puffy, flabby, livid physiognomy; a bluish circle around the eyes; which are sunken, dull, and spiritless; a sad expression, dry cough, oppression and panting on the least exertion, the appearance of incipient consump-