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Current Indorsements

Hon. Hartford P. Brown, of the Pennsylvania Legislature, and originator of the School House Flag Bill, says:

Doctor Walling's "Sexology" is a volume of rare value, and should be in the possession of home-builders everywhere.

Its disclosures and teachings, if widely disseminated, would make immeasurably for the uplift and the happiness of the human race.

Rev. J. Thompson Baker, B.L., Ph.M., President of Frank Hughes College, Clifton, Tenn., says:

I carefully read "Sexology," and with all my heart I say God bless the author, and MAY HIS BOOK FALL INTO MANY HANDS WHERE IT MAY SAVE AS WELL AS PURIFY LIFE.

I have several works of this kind, but this is the best and most straightforward of any I have seen. I shall be indeed thankful to place it into the hands of many of the young people under my charge and recommend it to others.

M. J. F. Albrecht, President of Concordia College, Milwaukee, Wis., says:

I have read "Sexology" with great interest. It is truly an excellent volume and deserves to be read by every man and woman. May the book find a wide circulation.

Wm. Taylor Stott, D.D., LL.D., President of Franklin College, Franklin, Ind., says:

I am pleased with the work "Sexology." It is a serious and successful discussion of what our people—old and young—ought to know.