Page:Shakespeare - First Folio Faithfully Reproduced, Methuen, 1910.djvu/823

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The Tragedie of King Lear.

Ere they shall make vs weepe?
Weele see e'm staru'd first: come.Exit.

Come hither Captaine, hearke.
Take thou this note, go follow them to prison,
One step I haue aduanc'd thee, if thou do'st
As this instructs thee, thou dost make thy way
To Noble Fortunes: know thou this, that men
Are as the time is; to be tender minded
Do's not become a Sword, thy great imployment
Will not beare question: either say thou'lt do't,
Or thriue by other meanes.

Ile do't my Lord.

About it, and write happy, when th'hast done,
Marke I say instantly, and carry it so
As I haue set it downe. Exit Captaine.

Flourish. Enter Albany, Gonerill, Regan, Soldiers.

Sir, you haue shew'd to day your valiant straine
And Fortune led you well: you haue the Captiues
Who were the opposites of this dayes strife:
I do require them of you so to vse them,
As we shall find their merites, and our safety
May equally determine.

Sir, I thought it fit,
To send the old and miserable King to some retention,
Whose age had Charmes in it, whose Title more,
To plucke the common bosome on his side,
And turne our imprest Launces in our eies
Which do command them. With him I sent the Queen:
My reason all the same, and they are ready
To morrow, or at further space, t'appeare
Where you shall hold your Session.

Sir, by your patience,
I hold you but a subiect of this Warre,
Not as a Brother.

That's as we list to grace him.
Methinkes our pleasure might haue bin demanded
Ere you had spoke so farre. He led our Powers,
Bore the Commission of my place and person,
The which immediacie may well stand vp,
And call it selfe your Brother.

Not so hot:
In his owne grace he doth exalt himselfe,
More then in your addition.

In my rights,
By me inuested, he compeeres the best.

That were the most, if he should husband you.

Iesters do oft proue Prophets.

Hola, hola,
That eye that told you so, look'd but a squint.

Lady I am not well, else I should answere
From a full flowing stomack. Generall,
Take thou my Souldiers, prisoners, patrimony,
Dispose of them, of me, the walls is thine:
Witnesse the world, that I create thee here
My Lord, and Master.

Meane you to enioy him?

The let alone lies not in your good will.

Nor in thine Lord.

Halfe‐blooded fellow, yes.

Let the Drum strike, and proue my title thine.

Stay yet, heare reason: Edmund, I arrest thee
On capitall Treason; and in thy arrest,
This guilded Serpent: for your claime faire Sisters,
I bare it in the interest of my wife,
'Tis she is sub‐contracted to this Lord,
And I her husband contradict your Banes.
If you will marry, make your loues to me,
My Lady is bespoke.

An enterlude.

Thou art armed Gloster,
Let the Trumpet sound:
If none appeare to proue vpon thy person,
Thy heynous, manifest, and many Treasons,
There is my pledge: Ile make it on thy heart
Ere I taste bread, thou art in nothing lesse.
Then I haue heere proclaim'd thee.

Sicke, O sicke.

If not, Ile nere trust medicine.

There's my exchange, what in the world hes
That names me Traitor, villain‐like he lies,
Call by the Trumpet: he that dares approach;
On him, on you, who not, I will maintaine
My truth and honor firmely.

Enter a Herald.

A Herald, ho.
Trust to thy single vertue, for thy Souldiers
All leuied in my name, haue in my name
Tooke their discharge.

My sicknesse growes vpon me.

She is not well, conuey her to my Tent.
Come hither Herald, let the Trumpet sound,
And read out this. A Trumpet sounds.

Herald reads.

IF any man of qualitie or degree, within the lists of the Army, will maintaine vpon Edmund, supposed Earle of Gloster, that he is a manifold Traitor, let him appeare by the third sound of the Trumpet: he is bold in his defence. 1 Trumpet.

Againe. 2 Trumpet.

Againe. 3 Trumpet.

Trumpet answers within.

Enter Edgar armed.

Aske him his purposes, why he appears
Vpon this Call o'th' Trumpet.

What are you?
Your name, your quality, and why you answer
This present Summons?

Know my name is lost
By Treasons tooth: bare‐gnawne, and Canker‐bit,
Yet am I Noble as the Aduersary
I come to cope.

Which is that Aduersary?

What's he that speakes for Edmund Earle of Gloster?

Himselfe, what saist thou to him?

Draw thy Sword,
That if my speech offend a Noble heart,
Thy arme may do thee Iustice, heere is mine:
Behold it is my priuiledge,
The priuiledge of mine Honours,
My oath, and my profession. I protest,
Maugre thy strength, place, youth, and eminence,
Despise thy victor‐Sword, and fire new Fortune,
Thy valor, and thy heart, thou art a Traitor:
False to thy Gods, thy Brother, and thy Father,
Conspirant 'gainst this high illustrious Prince,
And from th' extremest vpward of thy head,
To the discent and dust below thy foote,