Page:Shakespeare Collection of Poems.djvu/162

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WHen as thine eye hath chose the Dame,
And stalde the deare that thou shouldst strike,
Let reason rule things worthy blame,
As well as fancy (partyall might)
Take counsel of some wiser head,
Neither too young, nor yet unwed.

And when thou com'st thy tale to tell,
Smooth not thy tongue with filed talke,
Least she some subtle practise smell,
A Cripple soone can finde a halt,
But plainly say thou lov'st her well,
And set her person forth to sale.

What though her frowning browes be bent,
Her cloudy lookes will calme yer night,
And then too late she will repent,
That thus dissembled her delight:
And twice desire yet it be day,
That which with scorn she put away.

What though she strive to try her strength,
And ban, and braule, and say thee nay,
Her feeble force will yeeld at length,
When craft hath taught her thus to say:
Had women been so strong as men,
In faith, you had not had it then.
