Page:Shakespeare and Music.djvu/121

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spell which he had cast on Alonso and his other enemies.

H. 4. B. 4/4, 133. K. Hen. on his sick-bed.

K. Hen. Let there be no noise made, my gentle friends;
Unless some dull and favourable hand
Will whisper music to my wearied spirit.
Warwick. Call for the music in the other room.

Pericles 3/2, 87. Cerimon's house at Ephesus. Thaisa, cast up by the sea, is brought to life by his directions.

Cerimon. Well said, well said; the fire and the cloths.
The rough and woful music that we have,
Cause it to sound, beseech you.
The vial once more;—how thou stirr'st, thou block!—The music there! I pray you, give her air.

Tempest 5/1, 51. Prospero employs music to disenchant Alonso, Antonio, etc.

Pro. … and, when I have required
Some heavenly music (which even now I do),
To work mine end upon their senses, …

L. 58.

A solemn air; and the best comforter
To an unsettled fancy,
cure thy brains.

Next we have two examples of 'Music at Home.' In the case of the Duke in Twelfth Night, it is