Page:Shakespeare and Music.djvu/201

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Solmisation of the six notes of the Hexachord, 11th century, see p. 37. Shrew 3/1, 72.

\new Staff \relative c' { \cadenzaOn
c2^\markup \small "(Natural Hexachord)" d e f g a \bar "||" g^\markup \small "Hard Hexachord)" a b c d e \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La }

The six notes from F, with B flat, were called the 'Soft' Hexachord.

4. Lesson for the Lute, by Thomas Mace, b. 1613, from Musick's Monument, 1676, see p. 55. Shrew 3/1, 58.

"My Mistress."

{ \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #f #f) \new Staff \time 4/4 \partial 4 { c'8. d'16 |
  e'4 \clef bass c, \clef treble e' c' |
  c''2. b'8. c''16 | d''4 \clef bass g, e, c, |
  \clef treble e''2. e'8. f'16 |
  g'4 \clef bass b, a, \clef treble f' | %end line 1
  e' \clef bass g, f, \clef treble d' |
  c' \clef bass e, d, \clef treble b |
  c' \clef bass c,2 \bar "||" \clef treble e'8. f'16 |
  g'4 \clef bass c, e, c, |
  \clef treble a' \clef bass f f, \clef treble b'8. c''16 | %end line 2
  d''4 \clef bass g, b, g, |
  \clef treble e'' \clef bass c,2 \clef treble g'8( f') |
  e'4 e'8( d') c'4 d'8( c') |
  \clef bass b4 b8 a g4 a8 b |
  \clef treble c'8 d' e' f' g'4 d' |
  e'4 \clef bass c,2 \bar "||" } }

Cf. p. 30, on 'Broken' music.

5. Tune of Light o' Love, original words not known, but date before 1570, p. 70. Much Ado 5/4, 41, etc.

{ \new Staff \time 3/4 \partial 4 \key d \major \relative d' {
  \repeat volta 2 { d4 | d a' d | cis a fis | g4. a8 fis4 | e2 e4 |
    d a' d | cis a fis | g4. fis8 e4 | d2 }
  \repeat volta 2 { d4 | g4. a8 g4 | fis4. e8 d4 | g4. a8 b4 |
    e,2 e4 | d a' d | cis a fis | g4. fis8 e4 | d2 } } }

6. Parson Hugh's song, 'To Shallow Rivers,' tune