Page:Shantiniketan; the Bolpur School of Rabindranath Tagore.djvu/130

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when we meet with each other in God, then our life is continuous in truth. It has not this element of falsehood in it. That is what we must remember. Here we have got the meaning of the words, “Lead us from the unreal to the Real.”

When we take food, that food is assimilated into our body, and it goes on with its work of creation. But if we eat dust or gravel, it is not creative, but destructive. So the true relationship with man is creative. Under these trees, this very meeting will be creative in our lives and become truer every day. It is true that, like God’s daylight, all its energies may be shrouded under night’s darkness for a time, but it lives again. So with all true relations. These will remain to the end of our lives and will not be lost. These will grow into some great life, which will have its fulfilment of purpose in the days to come. And I offer my prayer to God that He may lead us from all that is trivial, unmeaning, disconnected, and unrelated to the truth of love.

Lead us unto the Real, the Truth which is Eternal, from darkness which blinds us to the infinite truth, that Thou art our Father in truth. Deliver us from that darkness of