Page:Shantiniketan; the Bolpur School of Rabindranath Tagore.djvu/96

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Utonka arrived at the palace of King Poshya in the evening and thought he would try to get the ear-rings and return the same night. So without any delay he went straight to the king and told him what he wanted. The king, after saluting him with deep respect and giving him water for his tired feet, asked him first to wash his hands and mouth and rest a little. “Why are you in a hurry?” he said. ”You can get what you want by going yourself to the inner apartments of the queen.”

Utonka replied, “O king, may you live long and prosper. I wanted to return with the ear-rings this very night, but if that is not possible, let me at least ask for them at once. For so long as I am in doubt I shall have no peace of mind.”

The king laughed slightly and said, “Very well. Go into the palace. The doorkeeper