Page:Sharad Joshi - Leading Farmers to the Centre Stage.pdf/49

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Why a Buddha, a Jesus, an Adam Smith, a Marx, a Ford, a Gandhi takes birth in a particular period? Is the birth of these great persons a mere historical accident? Does situation change because of them or is their birth inevitable in those situations? Is there any basic principle connecting all this? Are all fanatics, unsuccessful prophets? And all prophets, unsuccessful fanatics? Why a certain great person gets social recognition and other such person does not get it? Could the first human being have arrived from some other planet? What is the relationship between individual life and the Universe? Why do they have so much similarity in their construction? Why only an individual has the power to think and why society does not have it? Matter has got spirit and spirit is also required to take the form of matter. Which of these two came first? What is the relationship between matter and spirit? Just as individual has consciousness, is there anything like universal consciousness? Many such serious and fundamental issues these pages raise but Joshi never completed that book. Nor did he talk to me about it. Perhaps he had forgotten. But one remains curious about what he really wanted to say in that book. Joshi completed his training and returned to Delhi on 30 March 1968. Prima facie everything was going well in Joshi’s job but somehow inwardly he was dissatisfied. 46


Sharad Joshi : Leading Farmers to the Centre Stage