Page:Shepherd's daughter (1).pdf/7

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Our mother Eve she was his bride,
and full of modesty;
No beds of down for them was made,
but just a flow’ry plain,
No wonder then her daughters love
to take the gown of green.

This gown of green if is so rare,
tis never out of fashion
tis worn by Lords and Gentlemen,
and Ladies of high station;
For e’er since Adam was a boy,
this thing has ever been,
’Tis worn by every nation, boys,
and call’d the gown of green.


’Tis now since I sat down before,
this foolish Fort, a Heart,
(Time strangely spent) a year or more,
and still I did my part.

Made my approaches from her hand,
unto her lip did rise;
And did already understand
the language of her eyes.

Proceeding on with no less art,
my tongue was engineer;
I thought to undermine the heart,
by whisp’ring in the ear.