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The Shepherdess of the Alps.

calmly drops into eternity, to renew its vigour in the puro source of immortality. But alas! how distant is the prospect! how slowly it passes away! In saying these words, the shepherdess moved on; her head declined with a supineness in her attitude, which gave ease and dignity to her gait and mein. Struck with amazement at what they saw, and moro at what thoy heard, the Count and Countess redoubled their steps to overtake her. But what was their surprise, when, under the coarso straw hat and mean apparel, they met with every beauty, every grace. Pray, child, said the Countess, (finding sho endeavourod to shun them,) be not alarmed, we aro travellers, and an accident obliges us to ask for shelter till morning in ono of your cabins; be so kind as bo our guido. I am very sorry, madam, answered tho shepherdess, blushing and casting down her eyes, that you will be but ill accommodated, as these huts belong to very poor people. You live here, I suppose, said the Countess, and surely I may put up with the inconveniences for one night, when you undergo them continually. Thore is a wido difference, said the modest shepherdess, I am brought up to it. I cannot believe that, interrupted Count Fonrose, not able any longer to hido his emotion; no—you wore not formed for such hardships. Fortune is unjust, or how is it possible that so lovely a person should bo reduced to live obscurely in so low and ordinary a dress. Fortune, replied Adelaide, (so was the shepherdess named,) is not to be blamed, but when she deprives us of what she has given us beforo. My condition has its sweets for one that knows no other state in life. Custom and example create wants for the wealthy, which the poor aro ignorant of. It may be so with those that are born in this solitude, said the Count; but for you, charming unknown, you are not what you seem to bo: your air, your voice, your language, all betray your disguise. Theso few words you have said, discover a noble soul, and a cultivated education. O! tell us, lovely creature, what cruel turn of fato has brought you to this coudition? A man under misfortune, replied Adelaide,