Page:Sherlock Holmes - A Drama in Four Acts - Doyle, Gillete - 1922.djvu/32

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[Act I.

(Enter Madge Larrabee downstairs as if not quite strong, and entering the room L. She has made her face pale, and steadies herself a little by columns, side of arch, furniture, etc., as she comes on, but not overdoing this. She gives the impression of a person a little weak, but endeavouring not to let it be seen.)

Larrabee (L.C., advancing to Madge). Alice—or—that is, Miss Faulkner, let me introduce Mr. Sherlock Holmes.

(Holmes is near piano R.C. Madge goes a step to him with extended hand. Holmes meets Madge near L.C. and takes her hand in the utmost confidence. Larrabee quietly drops down to R.C., going around piano.)

Madge. Mr. Holmes! (Coming toward kim with extended hand.)

Holmes (meeting Madge). Miss Faulkner!

Madge. I'm really most charmed to meet you—although it does look as if you had made me come down in spite of myself, doesn't it? But it isn't so at all, Mr, Holmes. I was more than anxious to come, only the doctor has forbidden me seeing anyone—but when Cousin Freddie said I might come, of course that fixed the responsibility on him, so I have a perfectly clean conscience.

Holmes. I thank you very much for consenting to see me, Miss Faulkner, but regret that you were put to the trouble of making such a very rapid change of dress.

(Madge slightest possible start, and recover at once.)

Madge. Ye—yes! I did hurry a trifle, I confess. (Crosses toward Larrabee.) Mr. Holmes is quite living up to his reputation, isn't he, Freddie?

Larrabee. Yes. . . . But he didn't quite live up to it a moment ago.

Madge. Oh, didn't he! I'm so sorry. (Sits on seat at foot of piano.)

Larrabee. No. He's been telling me the most astonishing things.

Madge. And weren't they true?

Larrabee. Well hardly! (Holmes sits in arm-chair L.C.) He wanted to know what there was about the safe in the lower part of that desk that caused me such horrible anxiety! Ha! ha! ha!

Madge (above Larrabee's laugh—to Holmes). Why, there isn't anything. (To Larrabee.) Is there?

Larrabee. That's just it! Ha! ha! ha! (With a quick motion swings back the doors.) There's a safe there, but nothing in it.


joins him in laughter.)}}

Madge (as she laughs). Really, Mr. Holmes, that's too grotesque, ha! ha!