Page:Sherlock Holmes - A Drama in Four Acts - Doyle, Gillete - 1922.djvu/51

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Act II.]

Bassick (intent). There—at your house?

Larrabee. At my house.

Bassick. He didn't get these letters?

Larrabee. Well, he did get them, but he passed them back to the Faulkner girl.

Bassick (rises—in surprise). Passed them back, eh? What did that mean? (Goes down R. a little, thinking.)

Larrabee (slight shrug of shoulders). There's another thing that puzzles me. There wan an accident below in the kitchen—a lamp fell off the table and scattered burning oil about, the butler came running up, yelling fire. We ran down there, and a few buckets of water put it out.

(Moriarty suddenly appears at his desk up R.C. Lights on his face.)

Moriarty. I have a suggestion to make. (All turn in surprise and look at Moriarty.) The first thing we must do is to get rid of your butler—not discharge him—get rid of him. (To Bassick.) Craigin for that! To-day! As soon as it's dark. Give him two others to help—Mr. Larrabee will send the man inlo the cellar for something—they'll be ready for him there. Doulton's van will get the body to the river. (Madge shudders slightly.) It need not inconvenience you at all, Madam, we do these things quietly.

(Bassick is writing orders at R.)

(To Bassick) What's the Seraph doing?

Bassick. He's on the Reading job to-morrow night.

Moriarty. Pur him with Craigin to-day to help with that butler. But there's something else we want. Have you seen those letters, the photographs, and whatever else there may be? Have you seen them? Do you know what they're like?

Madge. I have sir. I've lookad them through carefully several times.

Moriarty. Could you make me a counterfeit set of these things and tie them up so that they will look exactly like the package Sherlock Holmes held in his hand last night?

Mandge 1 could munage the letters—but——

Moriarty. If you manage the letters, I'll send some one who can manago the rest from your deseription. Bassick—that old German artist—eh——?

Bassick. Leuftner.

Moriarty. Precisely! Hand Leuftner to Mrs. Larrabee at eleven. (Looks at watch.) Quarter past ten—that gives you three-quarters of an hour to reach home. I shall want that counterfeit package at eleven to-night—twelve hours to make it.

Madge. It will be ready, sir.

Moriarty. Good! Bassick—notify the Lascar that I may require the Gas Chamber at Stepney to-night.

Bassick. The Gas Chamber?