Page:Sherlock Holmes - A Drama in Four Acts - Doyle, Gillete - 1922.djvu/66

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[Act II.

packet and its contents to be counterfeit. She is to that I think I am buying the genuine.

Térèse. Oui, Monsieur, je comprends. When you purchase you think you have the real.

Holmes. Precisely. (Motions her up to door up R. and moving towards door with her.) One thing more. To-morrow evening, I shall want you to accompany her to this place, here. Sir Edward Leighton and Count Von Stalburg will be here to receive the package from me. However, you will receive further instructions as to this in the morning.

Térèse. Oui, Monsieur. (Turns and exits at once at door up R.)

Holmes (up R.). Forman.

Forman. Yes, sir.

Holmes. Change to your beggar disguise No. 14 and go through every place in the Riverside District. Don't stop till you get a clue to this new partner of the Larrabees. I must have that. (Turns away to L. towards Watson.) I must have that.

Forman. Very well, sir. (Just about to go.)

(Enter Billy at door up R. just within and down R. a little.)

Billy. If you please, sir, there's a man at the street door—and 'e says 'e must speak to Mr. Forman, sir, as quick as 'e can.

(Holmeswho was moving toward L.stops suddenly and stands motionless—eyes front above table C. Pause.)

(Music. Danger. Melodramatic. Very low. Agitato. B String.

Holmes (after a pause). We'd better have a look at that man. Billy, show him up.

Billy. 'E can't come up, sir—'e's a-watchin’ a man in the street. 'E says 'e's from Scotland Yard.

Forman (going toward door). I'd better see what it is, sir.

Holmes. No!

(Forman stops. Pause. Music heard throughout this pause, but without swelling forte in the least. Holmes stands motionless a moment.)

Well—(a motion indicating Forman to go.)—take a look at him first. Be ready for anything.

Forman. Trust me for that, sir. (Exit at door up R.)

Holmes (C.). Billy, see what he does.

Billy. Yes, sir.

(Holmes stands an instant thinking.)

Watson. This is becoming interesting.

(Holmes does not reply. He goes up to near door up R. and listens, then moves to window and glances down to street, then turns and goes down to table.)