Page:Sherlock Holmes - A Drama in Four Acts - Doyle, Gillete - 1922.djvu/73

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Act II.]

Holmes. I shall be pleased to drop it—at ten o'clock to-morrow night.

Moriarty. Why then?

Holmes. Because at that hour, Moriarty, . . . your life will not be worth that. (A snap of finger.) You will be under arrest.

Moriarty. At that hour, Sherlock Holmes, your eyes will be closed in desth.

(Both look at one another motionless an instant.)

Holmes (rising as if rather bored). I am afraid, Professor, that in the pleasure of this conversation I am neglecting more important business. (Turns away to mantel at L., and bus. of loking for match, etc.)

(Moriarty rises slowly, picks up hat, keeping his eyes on Holmes. Suddenly catches sight of revolver on table—pause—and putting hat on table.)

Moriarty (nearing Holmes and looking towards door R.). I came here this evening to see if peace could not be arranged between us.

Holmes. Ah, yes. (Smiling pleasantly and pressing tobacco in pipe) I saw that. That's rather good.

Moriarty (passionately). You have seen fit not only to reject my proposals, but to make insulting references coupled with threats of arrest.

Holmes. Quite so! Quite so! (Lights match and holds it to pipe.)

Moriarty (moving a little so as to be nearer table). Well—(slyly picking up revolver)—you have been warned of your danger—you do not heed that warning—perhaps you will heed this! (Making a sudden plunge and aiming at Holmes' head he rapidly snaps the revolver in quick attempt to fire.)

(Holmes turns quietly toward him, still holding match to pipe so that the last snap of hammer is directly in his face. Very slight pause on Moriarty being unable to fire—and backing up C., at same time boiling with rage.)

Holmes. Oh! ha!—here! (As if recollecting something. Tosses away match, and feeling quickly in left pocket of dressing-gown brings out some cartridges and tosses them carelessly on table towards Moriarty.) I didn't suppose you'd want to use that thing again, so I took all your cartridges out and put them in my pocket. You'll find them all there, Professor. (Reaches over and rings bell on table with right hand.)

(Enter Billy.)


Billy. Yes, sir!

Holmes. Show this gentleman nicely to the door.