Page:Shetland Folk-Lore - Spence - 1899.pdf/16

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Islands has been largely used throughout to give the necessary local colouring, but the author thinks that this will not cause the southern reader any very serious difficulty, as in most cases explanations of the words have been supplied. If the writer succeeds in interesting those who take pleasure in recalling the old times and the old manners, and in stimulating any of his readers to join in the work of rescuing our island traditions ere they fade away into obscurity, he will consider himself amply rewarded.

The author desires here to acknowledge his indebtedness to James M. Goudie, Esq., Lerwick, for valuable assistance rendered in writing the chapter on “Prehistoric Remains”; and to the Rev. Thomas Mathewson, Lerwick, and J. J. Haldane Burgess, Esq., M.A., Lerwick, for many helpful suggestions and much assistance given while the book was passing through the press.

The author has to record his thanks to