Page:Shetland Folk-Lore - Spence - 1899.pdf/175

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Shetland Folk-Lore

cocks, the one white and the other black. As this strange visitor proceeds to anoint her child with the contents of the jar, the white cock crows, and the trow says:

The white cock is nae cock,
Waadie, Waadie,
I can sit still an' warm me baby.”

But presently the black cock crows, and, jumping up, the trow exclaims:

The black cock is a cock,
Waadie, Waadie,
I maun noo flit frae warmin' me baby.”

The spell that bound old Farquhar is broken, and, jumping up from his couch, he seizes the jar on the hearthstone. Hence the origin of “Forker's Pig.”

This pig or jar was made of unglazed clay, holding about a gill. It was preserved with great care, and was fetched here and there to persons supposed to be hurt by trows. The last possessor of the said pig gave it to the writer several years
