Page:Shetland Folk-Lore - Spence - 1899.pdf/218

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Proverbs and Sayings

to step-mothers or old maids that have charge of children.

“Need mak's a naked man rin.”
“Need mak's a man a craft.”

These are intelligently explained by the popular saying, “Necessity is the mother of invention.”

“The fire burns wbaar it's bigged”—

They who undertake the management of affairs that belong to other people, may make up their minds to have an extra share of trouble.

“Better to wile the haand oot o' the wolf's mouth
than tear it oot.”
“Wiles help weak folk.”
“Seldom comes ae ill its lane.”
“Soon is a guid hoose skailed.”
“Soon is a guid hoose pu'd doon.”
“Broken pots in a' pairts.”
“Oot o' the fire and into the embers.”

All these proverbial expressions are self-explanatory.

A number of the proverbs used by our