Page:Shetland Folk-Lore - Spence - 1899.pdf/47

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Shetland Folk-Lore

The Picts, having constructed their brochs or castles, would no doubt have a trusty sentinel located in each and on the neighbouring voard, where he might be seen gazing out on the mysterious ocean. If, perchance, his eyes descry a suspicious craft in the offing, he at once sets fire to a heap of dry heather kept in readiness for the purpose, and in less time than it takes to read this page the brochs are ablaze, and the inhabitants from Scaw to Sumburgh are warned of the impending danger. Those who cannot fight flock to the caves, hellyers, and earth houses, while every broch is garrisoned with brave men and true, determined to repel the invaders. Tradition speaks of several battles as having taken place. A great battle said to have been fought at Norwick in Unst, and also one in the neighbourhood of the Blue Mull. The Outer Mull is a sort of Gibraltar-like formation, and across the narrow neck of land between Infraneb and Fraeklesgeo there is the remains of