Page:Shetland Folk-Lore - Spence - 1899.pdf/90

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Prehistoric Remains

thinner. Along with these a polished celt 1 inches in length was also found.

In the New Statistical Account of Zetland, the Rev. John Bryden, who made an extensive examination of grave mounds in the parish of Sandsting, mentions similar finds: “I have one (an urn) in my possession, which I found under the foundation of the glebe dyke. It measures twelve inches over the mouth, ten inches over the bottom, and is ten inches deep. It contained a quantity of half-burnt bones, and was covered with a pretty heavy stone, flat on the side next to the urn; unfortunately, it was partly broken before I discovered it. There is, however, enough remaining to show its shape and workmanship. I have discovered two other urns on the glebe, filled with a black unctuous earth, but so much decayed that no part of them could be lifted. Out of one of them I removed the earth, and found lying at right angles in the bottom four pieces of broken stone
