Page:Shimer College History 1853-1950.pdf/18

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During his second year the National Alumni Association was organized and made the raising of a Centennial Fund their first objective. This same year the "Frances Shimer Half Hour" went on the air weekly over WROK, Rockford.

While carrying on the work that customarily devolves upon a college president, in the second year of his administration Dr. Culver developed a serious illness that forced him to withdraw from all his duties and go away for a rest. His symptoms becoming increasingly alarming, he was advised by his physician to resign, which he did toward the close of 1937.

At this juncture Miss Hostetter was again called upon to come and hold the fort as Acting President. The torch of learning at Frances Shimer never so much as flickered as it passed from hand to hand during these "inter regnums," when Miss Hostetter took over.

During 1938 the McKee Hall dining room was reconditioned and refurnished, through the gift of Mr. W.E. Goodman, trustee, and his wife, Adeline Howkinson Goodman, a former member of the Shimer music faculty. That year, for the first time, a complete College Sophomore Testing program was instituted.

Miss Hostetter, now retired from her faculty post, retains only her alumni duties and the editorship of the Alumni News. Nevertheless, her close connection with Shimer College continues, for she now holds a new position of trust and honor, serving as secretary of the Board of Trustees, a fitting finale to her many years of usefulness at the school.

Toward the close of the 1939 school year the Board appointed to the Presidency, Dr. Albin C. Bro, who came from the Visual Education Division of the University of Chicago Press. He took over the reins July 1 and was soon immersed in his new duties.

Dr. Bro received his A.B. from Northland College, Wisconsin, where he returned as a teacher ten years later, meanwhile having studied at the College of Missions, Butler College, and the University of Chicago, and having served as