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A golden smile, and a waft of love.
The Kowhai sent, as she waved above;
The Fern nodded back.
And now they came to a little glade—
About it, the creek’s bright arm was laid,
New-leav’d Ribbonwood sprinkled shade,
And look on the ground!—Oh, ever was seen
Such a wink-and-twinkle of glad young green?
Oh! Oh! what posies.
Violets! Primroses!
Daffodils by the score!
Dandelions—More! more!
—How you do shine,
Little Sun, Celandine!
—A sea of Blue-bells!
Ting-a-ling! how they swing!
The blue air, how it smells!
—Cowslips! Cowslips!
And, cool in the shade,
Next a bold golden King-cup,
A shy Milk-maid!
But when they came to the places
Dappled with dancing Daisies,
With arms flung wide for their fullest hold,
Down in the Daisies they rollick’d and roll’d,
And kiss’d their innocent up-turn’d faces,
So brother-like and bold.
—Why, how came my dullard eye
But now to pass these by?
Nay, how came these
To trip across seas?
Every young eager thing
That loves the young eager Spring,

Mother Earth, in loving mirth,