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Janet—To be sure there is; plenty of strength. Well, well, do just as you will, Hine! I must be going.

(Exit Janet.)

Hine.— Strength? Ah, Hine! but less than there was. Bitterly listening, it was truth that I heard.

(She sets to work.)

The Song of the Seeds.

Down, down into the Dark!
Farewell, warm Sun! Farewell,
New world and wide!
Bright Brothers, whom beside
We were in hopes to dwell,
Farewell, Farewell!
Must we, indeed, and in such haste, resume
Blindness and narrow room?
Must all these ready riches thankless lie?
Behold, we are but just now born, and must
We down into the dust?
Yea, must we die?
Alas, the helpless woe!
Will we or no,
Die, die we must, and go
Down, deep into the Dark!
Our Doom is so.

Down to the Dark! Deep down!
—Listen! The live Roots call.
“Down, to wise Earth

Come! and reap richer birth