Page:Shivaji and His Times.djvu/175

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his kingdom during his expected absence in Northern India, were a masterpiece of forethought and organisation. His plan was to make his local representatives absolutely independent of any need for his orders or guidance during his absence. The administration of his territories and forts would go on as efficiently as before, even if he were imprisoned or killed at Agra. His mother Jija Bai was left as Regent, with direct control over the Desh country, while Moro Pant the Peshwa, Niloji Sondev the Majmttadar, and Annaji Datto the Keeper of the Seal, were placed in independent charge of the Konkan province. (Sabh. 47, Chit. 110.) The com- mandants of his forts were strictly ordered to be watchful day and night and to follow his rules implicitly, so as to guard against surprise or fraud. The civil officers were to follow his former regulations and practice in all matters.

After making a tour of inspection throughout his small kingdom, and even paying surprise visits to some of his forts, and repeating, as his final instructions to his officers, "Act as I had previously laid down," Shivaji took leave of his family at Rajgarh, and began his journey to Northern India, about the third week of March, 1666, with his eldest son Shambhuji, seven trusty chief officers, and 4,000

troops.*[1] A lakh of Rupees from the Deccan treasury

  1. *Sabh. 47; Chit. 108. Dil. 57 says 1.000 soldiers, which I consider as more probable.