Page:Shivaji and His Times.djvu/177

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9th May he arrived in the outskirts of Agra, where the Emperor was then holding Court.

§ 4. Shivaji's interview with Aurangzib.

The 12th of the month was appointed as the day of his audience.*[1] It was the 50th lunar birthday of the Emperor. The Hall of Public Audience in Agra Fort was splendidly decorated for the occasion. The courtiers appeared in their most gorgeous robes. All things were ready for weighing the Emperor against gold and silver, which would then be given away in charity. The nobles of the empire and their retainers in thousands stood in marshalled ranks filling that vast hall of pillars and the ground beyond on three sides of it, which was covered with costly canopies.

Into this Diwan-i-am, Kumar Ram Singh ushered Shivaji with his son Shambhuji and ten of his officers. On behalf of the Maratha chief, 1500 gold pieces were laid before the Emperor as present (nazar) and

Rs. 6,000 as offering (nisar.) Aurangzib graciously cried out, "Come up, Shivaji Rajah!" Shivaji was led to the foot of the throne and made three salams.

  1. * Shivaji's audience with Aurangzib: A.N. 963, 968-970; H. A. 238a; Surat to Karwar, 8 June, 1666, in F. R. Surat, vol. 86; (all contemporary.) Sabh. 49; Storia, ii. 138; K. K. ii. 189-190; Dil. 58-59; (all reliable.) Chit. 111-112; Dig. 245-7; T. S. 22b-23a (later and legendary.) Bernier, 190, (meagre.)