Page:Shivaji and His Times.djvu/241

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lakh and the desais raising two lakhs from the cultivators of the villages around. After a discussion lasting a day and a night, in which he reduced his demand to Rs. 60,000, the people finally refused to pay anything, as they knew too well that he would appropriate the money instead of buying the enemy off with it. Thereafter, every time that there was an alarm of the approach of Shivaji's troops the citizens of Surat hastened to flee from the town, but the governor shut the gates to keep them in ! *[1]

We may conclude the history of the Koli Rajahs here. Vikram Shah, the ex-chief of Jawhar, on losing his kingdom in June 1672, fled to the adjoining Mughal district of Nasik. From this place he used to sally forth with roving bands of his own, plunder the peasantry, and cut off communications in the north Thana district, now in Maratha hands. In January 1678 when Moro Trimbak invaded Nasik, Vikram Shah joined the Mughal faujdar and offered a vigorous resistance, but was defeated and put to death. His son escaped, and joining Dhara Rai Koli (another dispossessed chief) took to brigandage, causing considerable loss to Maratha territory and military routes. Finally both were captured and

executed. (Z. C; T. S. 40a; Dig. 400.)

  1. * Conquest of Koli country: F . R. Surat, Vol. 3, Consult. Surat 21 June, 1672; Vol. 87, Surat to Bombay, 21 and 25 June; Vol. 106, Bombay to Surat. 8 July; O. C. 3649; F. R. Surat, Vol. 87, Surat to Persia, 1 November 1673; Sabh. 72