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dropped the Vedic chant and initiated the Rajah only in a modified form of the life of the twice-born, instead of putting him on a par with the Brahmans in this respect. (T. S. 39a; Dutch Records.) This purification and its sequel, the investiture with the sacred thread, were performed with "great ceremony;" a vast amount of money was distributed among the Brahmans, Gaga Bhatta alone getting 7,000 hun and the crowd 17,000.

Next day, Shiva made atonement for the sins, deliberate or accidental, committed in his own life- time. He was separately weighed against each of the seven metals, — gold, silver, copper, zinc, tin, lead and iron, — as well as very fine linen, camphor, salt, nails (sic), nutmegs, and other spices, butter, sugar fruits and all sorts of eatables (betel-leaves and country wine being among them.) All these metals and other articles to the weight of his body, together with a lakh of hun more, were distributed after the coronation to the assembled Brahmans.

But even this failed to satisfy their greed. Two of the learned Brahmans pointed out that Shiva, in the course of his raids, had burnt cities "involving the death of Brahmans, cows, women and children." He could be cleansed of this sin, — for a price. It

Brahmans are reverend men. It is not proper to appoint them royal servants. They ought not to discharge any work except worshipping God.' So he removed all the Brahmans from their posts and appointed Prabhu Kayasthas in their places. Moro Pant interceded for the Brahmans."