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1679.*[1] At daybreak the entire Maratha fleet of more than 60 vessels under Daulat Khan suddenly bore down upon the small English squadron consisting of the Revenge frigate, 2 ghurabs of two masts each, 3 shibars and 2munchuas, — eight vessels in all, with 200 European soldiers on board, in addition to the lascars and white sailors. The Marathas advanced from the shore a little north of Chaul, moving so fast that the English vessels at anchor near Khanderi had scarcely time to get under weigh. In less than half an hour the Dover, one of the English ghurabs,having Sergeant Mauleverer and some English soldiers †[2] on board, with great cowardice struck its colours and was carried off by the Marathas. The other ghurab kept aloof, and the five smaller vessels

  1. * A full description is given in Bombay Gaz. xiii.; Pt. ii. p. 478. I have followed Orme. 80-81, in addition.
  2. † Surat Consultation, 3 December, 1679: "Sergeant Mauleverer etc., English, taken formerly by Shivaji in the Ghurrab Dover, being in great want of provisions and all other necessaries we having duly considered, and perceiving how cowardly they behaved themselves in the time of engagement, do order them to be stricken out of the muster rolls, but that they may not wholly perish, that some small allowance be made to them for victuals only, if it can be securely conveyed' to them [in the Maratha prison. ]" (F. R. Surat, Vol. 4.) This was in answer to a letter from Mauleverer, dated 6th November, begging for provisions, clothing and medicines for the wounded, and stating that the prisoners in the Maratha fort (Suragarh?) included 20 English French and Dutch, 28 Portuguese, and 9 lascars. (Orme MSS. 116.)