Page:Shivaji and His Times.djvu/350

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wounded Shaista, and defied Aurangzib in the very midst of his Court. But Prahlad Niraji took the most solemn oaths in support of Shiva's honesty of purpose. Madanna Pandit also told the king that he was satisfied on that point, and most probably he also urged the importance of a personal interview in strengthening the alliance between the two kings. (Sabh. 85-86.)

Qutb Shah having agreed to receive him, Shivaji started from Raigarh at the beginning of January, 1677, and advanced due east by regular marches. On entering Haidarabad territory he issued strict orders to his men not to rob or molest any inhabitant of the country, but to buy all necessary things with the owners' consent. The hanging or mutilation of the first few offenders struck such terror among the Maratha troops and camp-followers that they strictly obeyed his order and behaved with exemplary propriety ever after, and the most perfect discipline was maintained among that horde of 70,000 armed men.*[1]

Haidarabad was reached early in February, 1677. Qutb Shah had proposed to advance from his capital

  1. * Sabh. 86; Chit. 136. The army that followed Shivaji into the Karnatak is estimated by H. Gary in a letter dated 16th Jan. 1678, as 20,000 horse and 40,000 foot (O. C. 4314.) Sabhasad mentions only "a select force of 25,000 horsemen" (p. 85); Chitnis, p. 135, has 40,000 paga with hashm; Dig. p. 297, gives 30 or 40 thousand cavalry and 40,000 Mavle infantry; T. S. "20,000 cavalry and 12,000 infantry."