Page:Shivaji and His Times.djvu/356

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his generals (sar-i-lashkar), Mirza Muhammad Amin, to co-operate in the conquest of the Karnatak. A train of artillery with material was also supplied by Qutb Shah, and probably a large sum of money as advance payment of the promised subsidy. In return for this aid, Shivaji seems to have promised his ally a share "of such parts of his conquests in the Karnatak as had not belonged to his father Shahji." (Duff, i. 277.) The defensive alliance against the Mughals was strengthened anew with solemn oaths taken by Shivaji in the presence of Qutb Shah, while the latter promised to pay his annual tribute of one lakh of hurt regularly and to keep a Maratha ambassador at his Court.

While these secret negotiations were going on, social functions and ceremonies were also being held in public. Shivaji paid a second formal visit to Abul Hassan and was presented with "an immense quantity of jewels and ornaments and innumerable horses and elephants." (Sabh. 88.) The two kings sat down together on the terrace of the palace and received the salute of all the Maratha officers, who were rewarded by Qutb Shah with gifts according to their ranks and achievements. Even Shivaji's charger did not go unrewarded; a string of precious stones*[1] was placed round its neck, as the worthy companion of his glorious deeds !

  1. * A necklace, reputed to be this historical one, passed from Satara into the possession of Mr. Purushottam Vishram Mawji of Bombay and was shown to me by that gentleman.