Page:Shivaji and His Times.djvu/361

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Khan-i-Khanan (probably Khawas Khan), in return for money and jagirs elsewhere. As soon as Shivaji with 10,000 cavalry arrived in its environs and encamped at Chakrapuri on the bank of the Chakravati river, Jinji opened its gates to him (end of May.)

The captured fort was placed in charge of a Mavle captain named Ramaji Nalge, and the surrounding district under Vithal Pildev Garud as viceroy, assisted by a sabnis and a Public Works officer. The military and revenue administration established by Shivaji in Maharashtra was introduced here without any change. (Chit. 139; Dig. 304-6.) He "constructed new ramparts round Jinji, dug ditches, raised towers and bastions, and carried out all these works with a perfection of which European skill would not have been ashamed." (Letter of 1678 by the Jesuit priest Andre Freire in Mission du Madure.)

§10. Contest with Sher Khan for Vellore and Tiruvadi.

Sher Khan Lodi, a brave Pathan officer of Bijapur, was the local governor of the Trinomala district which included the forts of Vellore and

350 n.) Madras Consult, of 9th May 1677 says, "Shivaji is now upon his march to fall upon Jinji, with 20,000 horse and 40,000 foot, the Van whereoof, being about 5,000 horse, already passed Tripati and Kalhastri, and [is] this night expected at Conjeveram." In June the Madras Council report to Bantam that Shivaji had already taken Jinji.