Page:Shivaji and His Times.djvu/367

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Nayak and others of his great men" turned 16 miles north-east to worship at the great Shiva temple of Vriddhachalam. Here the chief of the Dutch factory of Tevenapatam (Cuddalore) waited on him with presents of "scarlet silk stuffs, sandal wood, rose water, Maldiva cocoanuts, cloves and sword blades." (Nellor Ramana's letter, 2 Aug.)

On 22nd September Shivaji was at Vaniamvadi, (40 miles s. w. of Vellore) and wrote to the English governor of Madras : "In the Karnat country... I intend to build new works in several forts and castles. You may likely have with you such men as know how to make great carriages for guns and how to contrive mines. We have need of such men at present, especially those that know how to make mines and to blow up stone-walls. If there be any such men with you that know how to make mines, you would be pleased to send some 20 or 25, or at least 10 or 5 such men, for I shall pay them very well and shall entertain them in several of my forts." (F. R. Fort St. George, Vol. 27.) The English politely declined the request, saying that, being merchants, it was their duty to maintain strict neutrality. On 3rd October, Shivaji was within two days' march of Madras. (Love, i. 371 .) Shortly before, he had pillaged Porto Novo, and made himself master of the South Arcot district. (Love, i. 357.) In October Arni surrendered to him, and so also did some other forts in the North Arcot district.