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slew Ali Raza and wounded Siddi Yaqut. But when they reached the tomb of Ibrahim Adil Shah, west of the city, a shot from the fort-guns killed the Maratha commander and the men fled away. Masaud now made peace with Dilir Khan.

A Mughal force was invited to Bijapur, royally welcomed, and sent off with a Bijapuri army under Venkatadri Murari (the confidant of the regent) and other officers, against the Marathas. They reached Tikota (13 miles w. of Bijapur), when spies brought the report that Shiva himself had arrived at Selgur (55 miles w. of Bijapur and the same distance east of Panhala) with 7 to 8 thousand men and wanted to make a night-attack on the Mughal or the Bijapuri army, whichever would advance first. But a new quarrel between Masaud and Sharza Khan paralysed the power of Bijapur. (£. S. 415-418.)

§7. Dilir captures Bhupalgarh.

Dilir Khan next marched to the fort of Bhupalgarh,*[1] which Shivaji had built as a storehouse of his property and the refuge of the families of his subjects in the neighbourhood during his wars with the Mughals. By great labour the imperialists

  1. * Shambhuji's desertion to the Mughals and capture of Bhupalgajh: B. S. 415, 418-19, 430 (best.) Dil. 159-163 (reliable.) F. R. Surat, Vol. 108, Rajapur to Surat, 16 Dec, 1679, Bombay to Surat, 1 Jan., 1680 (return.) Sabh. 93-94; Chit. 172-4; Dig. 263-269 (legend.) T. S. 39a (confused.)