Page:Shivaji and His Times.djvu/419

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Shiva held out for some time on the question of restoring to their owners the ships of the English or of the inhabitants of Bombay wrecked on his coast, but on 11th June Naraji Pandit sent word to Oxinden that "the Rajah had granted all our demands and articles, except our money passing current in his country." On the 12th all the ministers (ashta pradhan) signed the treaty, which was formally delivered to Oxinden at Narayan Pandits house. (F. R. Surat, Vol. 88.)

In November Shivaji's request for being sold 50 great ordnance from 40 to 60 cwt. weight and 2 great brass guns, was politely declined by the English as "so public an action as that must needs provoke this king" [Aurangzib.] (Surat to Bombay, 13 November 1674.)

§6. English traders of Rajapur interview Shivaji, 1675.

In the terms of the above agreement, the English factory at Rajapur was re-opened in 1675, with some difficulty, as the following letter from the Rajapur factors to Surat, dated 6th February 1675, shows: —

"It was thought fit to send the broker with the President's letter to Annaji Pandit and the Subahdar, giving them notice of our arrival. Mr. Ward being earnest for our old house, Annaji told him that he should not have it, and that he did not care whether we stayed here or no; if we did not, his master would save 1,000 pagodas by it; and further will