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[CH. XV.

north of Bombay, and the Deccan plateau or Desk southwards to Puna, was governed by Moro Trimbak Pingle. The southern division, which was made up of Konkan south of Bombay, Savant-vadi and the North Kanara coast, — formed the viceroyalty of Annaji Datto. The south-eastern division, ruled by Dattaji Pant, covered the Satara and Kolhapur districts of Desk and the Karnatak districts of Belgaum and Dharwar to Kopal west of the Tungabhadra. (Sabh. 77; Parasnis MS.; a Persian MS. roll of Mr. Rajwade; English summary in Mawjee, J. Bo. B. R. A. S.)

Shivaji's latest annexation was the country extending from the Tungabhadra opposite Kopal to Vellore and Jinji, i.e., the northern, central and eastern parts of the present kingdom of Mysore and portions of the Madras districts of Bellary, Chittur and Arcot. His two years' possession of them before his death was too short to enable him to consolidate his gains here, and this province was really held by an army of occupation and remained unsettled in 1680; only the forts garrisoned by him and as much of the surrounding lands as they could command, acknowledged Maratha rule.

Besides these places there was one region where the contest for mastery was still undecided at the time of his death. This was the Kanara highlands, including the South Dharwar district and the principalities of Sunda and Bednur. Shivaji had inflicted some defeats upon the local Nawab, a vassal of