Page:Shivaji and His Times.djvu/477

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the gaps are partially filled by the Letters received and dispatched and the O. C. Only four volumes have survived for 1660-1683.

Surat Letters — about 20 volumes for the period in question.

Records of Fort St. George: Diary and Consultation Book, for 1672-78 and 1678-79, printed at Madras, in 1910 and 1911. A few others are given in Love's Vestiges of Old Madras, 3 vols.

Orme MSS. in the India Office Library (catalogued by S. C. Hill) contain copies of several factory records the originals of which have perished.

After 1683 the English factory records are very scanty.

Diary of W. Hedges, ed. by Yule, (Hakluyt Soc.) Vol. II. p. ccxxvi gives Surat to Co., 20 Nov. 1670.

120. Dutch Factory Records preserved in the India Office, London. Vols. 23-29, covering 1659-70, are in English translations, while Vols. 30-42, covering 1670-89, are in Dutch. They are very disappointing to the historian of Shivaji and contain very few references to the Marathas. The volumes from 1671 onwards contain scarcely any remarks on the affairs of Western India.

121. Storia do Mogor or travels of Manucci, tr. by W. Irvine, 4 vols.

122. Bernier's Travels, ed. by Constable.

123. Tavernier's Travels, ed. by Ball, 2 vols,