Page:Short Treatise on God, Man and His Wellbeing.djvu/140

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[TITLE-PAGE IN A] SHORT TREATISE ON GOD, MAN, AND HIS WELL-BEING Previously written in the Latin tongue by B.D.S. for the use of his disciples who wanted to devote themselves to the study of Ethics and true Philosophy. And now translated into the Dutch lan guage for the use of the Lovers of Truth and Virtue : so that they who spout so much about it, and put their dirt and filth into the hands of simpletons as though it were ambergris, may just have their mouths stopped, and cease to pro fane what they do not understand : God, themselves , and how to help people to have regard for each other s well- being^ and how to heal those whose mind is sick, in a spirit of tenderness and tolerance, after the example of the Lord Christ, our best Teacher