Page:Short catechism with some passages of Scripture.pdf/17

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Pious MEDITATION On ſeveral ſentences of SCRIPTURE

Acquaint thy Self with GOD.

THat is to Acquaint our Selves with GOD, diligently to conſider Him, as he Repreſents Himſelf to us in his Word and Works; add to (illegible text)d fix our Minds upon theſe Glorious and imperfections, which ſhine forth therein: and eſpecially thoſe which have a tendencie to move, perſwade or distract our Souls to him, ſuch as his infinite Power and juſtice, by which we may be awakened to fear his (illegible text) due to us for our ſins; his Patience, Goodneſs, (illegible text), and Love, by which we may be encouraged to (illegible text) Favour, and moved to quite all things for him, (illegible text) chooſe him for our only Portion. And to (illegible text) all that he propoſes in his Word for moving (illegible text)alk in his ways and all the Effects of his Pro(illegible text)e in the conduct of humane Affairs, wherein (illegible text) be ſeen his Care and Concernedneſs for good (illegible text) and his Severity towards Impenitent and obſtinate ſinners and often to reflect upon what we (illegible text)o know of GOD and to mind in as often, in ſo (illegible text)e is known to us.

To Seek GOD.

GOD, who is the only true God of Man, offers firſt to us in His Son JESUS CHRIST, and is to (illegible text)d by us. To ſeek him then, is fixedly to de(illegible text)e attainment of that infinite Good, and to direct (illegible text) Courſe thitherward, and diligently to apply ourſelves to walk in thoſe ways, which are preſcribed (illegible text)ding Men to the Poſſeſſion of it.

