Page:Short catechism with some passages of Scripture.pdf/25

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know them; but to love them, and to have them ſtill preſent with us: The Cares and Thoughts of this (illegible text)e and other Studies and Labours ſteal them out of our Sight and View, and our corrupt Inclinations and Paſſions, prevail ſo much with us, that we often ſtray from them; To keep them then is to know, remember, (illegible text)e and obey them.

Open thy Mouth wide.

Most of the Deſires of Men have for their Objects (illegible text)le things: They ſeek for no more but Wealth, Honour and Pleaſure, which as they are ſmall things in themſelves can be of little uſe to them. GOD would (illegible text)e us to affect, love and deſire greater and better things and to dilate our Souls that they may be capable of receiving the greateſt Good.

To Walk Uprightly.

Once the great End & Deſign of a Chriſtian ſhould be to preach eternal Life and Bleſſedneſs in GOD, and to Praiſe and Honour him; that man (that in the whole courſe of his Life looks ſtraight thitherward, and is not preſſed by any means to turn off from the purſuit of (illegible text)ſe, and to graſp at other things, and to turn aſide to choked Paths, and doth conſtantly and cloſely purſue loose Ends ) is ſincere and walks uprightly. He that conſiders GOD as his only Good, and loves him above all and purſues that one Thing to pleaſe, ſerve, and honour him, and enjoy him, walks uprightly.
