Page:Short catechism with some passages of Scripture.pdf/5

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ſign our own praiſe or advantage, but ſhall things muſt do his will, and ſeek his glory.

Q. 20. Art we likewiſe to follow kind in charity towards our Neighbour?

A. Yes, we muſt according to his example unfeignedly love our Chriſtian Brethren, and be kind and charitable to all men, even to our enemies, forgiving them, praying for them, and doing them good for evil. We muſt comfort the afflicted, and relieve the poor and muſt carefully abſtain from ſlandering, mocking and deſpiſing our neighbour and from doing or willing him any kind of wrong.

Q 21. In what elſe muſt we follow him?

A. We muſt follow him in meekneſs, and humility, holineſs and purity, in contempt of the world, and patience under reproaches and all manner of injuries and in all the other excellent vertues which ſhined forth in him.

Q 22. May we not then live as others commonly do?

A. No, For the Goſpel teacheth us, that denying ungodlineſs and worldly luſts, we ſhould live ſoberly, righteouſly, and godly in this preſent world,

Q 23. But may we not hope to be ſaved through the mercy of God for Chriſt's ſake, though we neglect the performance of theſe things?

A. Certainly the mercy of God is ſo great that he will, on the account of Chriſt's merits, pardon all penitent ſinners but it is as certain that he will not ſpare, nor pity; but will puniſh with everlaſting deſtruction all who do not repent and obey the Goſpel.

Q 24. But may we not ſhift off and delay our repentance till another time, or even to the approach of death?

A. No, by no means, for we have already miſpent too much of our ſhort time; and we do not know how ſoon death ſhall come nor if God will then give us grace to repent.

Q.25. It is not enough that we have reſpect only to ſome of the Commandments of God, though in other things we do our our own wills, and fulfil our own deſires?

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A. No